

Year: 2017

  • Uzoigwe, L.O., C.K. Udeorji and V.K. Onyenweaku. "Design and Development of an In-Situ Saline Meter for Nigerian Agricultural Soils". IJEIR 6.3 (2017): 133-136. [More] [Full text]
  • Onyango, Omondi Lawrence and Thirika Anne Mwende. "Analysis of the Effect of Vaccination on Ebola Dynamics". IJEIR 6.3 (2017): 127-132. [More] [Full text]
  • Goswami, Soumyajit, Arghya Sarkar and S. Sengupta. "Power Components Measurement Using S-ADALINE". IJEIR 6.3 (2017): 120-126. [More] [Full text]
  • Trivedi, Samarth and Kamal Alameh. "Densely Packed Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composite Membrane Fabrication and Characterization for Selective Filtration of Liquids". IJEIR 6.2 (2017): 114-119. [More] [Full text]
  • Ren, Gui et al. "E-Purchase Intention of Sustainable Innovation in Management Strategies". IJEIR 6.2 (2017): 96-113. [More] [Full text]
  • Mohamed, Abdelhafid Ali I. et al. "Melanoma Skin Cancer Segmentation with Image Region Growing Based on Fuzzy Clustering Mean". IJEIR 6.2 (2017): 91-95. [More] [Full text]
  • Huang, WanYuan, NanSong Wu and Liang Huang. "A Framework Design of Brain Interface Real Time Spike Sorting of Multichannel Neuronal Activity". IJEIR 6.2 (2017): 79-90. [More]
  • Lu, Hongwei and Ahmet Kamran. "Analysis of Fractional-Slot Axial-Flux PM Machines by 3-D FE Simulation". IJEIR 6.2 (2017): 74-78. [More] [Full text]
  • Lee, Kuo-Long, Cheng-Chun Chiu and Wen-Fung Pan. "Finite Element Analysis on the Response for Circular Tubes under Pure Bending Creep or Relaxation". IJEIR 6.2 (2017): 69-73. [More] [Full text]
  • Xu, Qingbin, Liqun Lu and Leilei Shi. "Motion Analysis for the Working Device of Loader Based on SolidWorks Motion". IJEIR 6.2 (2017): 65-68. [More] [Full text]
  • Bhalawi, Priyanka and Ashish Raghuwanshi. "Improved Computational Time for Circular / Linear Convolution using FFT by Matrix Multiplication". IJEIR 6.2 (2017): 60-64. [More] [Full text]
  • Azam, Qazi Shahab and Muhammad Zulqarnain Siddiqui. "Customized Mechanism for Cloud Based Data Sharing Over Intranet – Study Based on Survey Conducted for Pakistani Business Industry". IJEIR 6.2 (2017): 56-59. [More] [Full text]
  • Chaugaonkar, Swati D. "Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Characteristics from a Brass Alloy Base Tube with Corrugated Copper Fins". IJEIR 6.1 (2017): 51-55. [More] [Full text]
  • Chourasia, Abhishek and Prof. Umashankar Kurmi. "Area Optimized Adder Design Using Carry Selection Logic in Power-Constrained Environments". IJEIR 6.1 (2017): 48-50. [More] [Full text]
  • D., Sánchez J. et al. "Simulation of the Wireless Communications Channel in Marine Buoys Applications". IJEIR 6.1 (2017): 44-47. [More] [Full text]
  • Yang, Hao, Lingfang Yin and Xiangyang Xu. "Partial Wave Analysis of Resonances Amplitude Based on Monte Carlo Methods". IJEIR 6.1 (2017): 40-43. [More] [Full text]
  • Salmanoğlu, Fırat and Mümin Küçük. "Grid-Tie Photovoltaic Power System Feasibility Study and the Comparison of Realized Energy:". IJEIR 6.1 (2017): 35-39. [More] [Full text]
  • KÜÇÜK, Mümin. "Quality, Productivity and Performance Relationship in Renewable Energy Systems". IJEIR 6.1 (2017): 30-34. [More] [Full text]
  • Bayati, Mostafa. "Fuzzy Petri Nets Efficiency in Hardware Implementation; Evidence from an Intelligent Fault Diagnostic System". IJEIR 6.1 (2017): 26-29. [More] [Full text]
  • Jagtap, Smita and Sandip Nemade. "Low Power Design Using Adiabatic 2:1 MUX". IJEIR 6.1 (2017): 23-25. [More] [Full text]
  • Kaushik, Akshansh. "Study of Cognitive Radio in Indian Communication Network". IJEIR 6.1 (2017): 21-22. [More] [Full text]
  • Jafarishiadeh, Seyyedmahdi and Mahraz Amini. "Design and Comparison of Axial-Flux PM BLDC Motors for Direct Drive Electric Vehicles: Conventional or Similar Slot and Pole Combination". IJEIR 6.1 (2017): 15-20. [More] [Full text]
  • Shafray, Ekaterina and Seiyong Kim. "Residential Garbage Management from University Students Perception Though Case Study in South Korea". IJEIR 6.1 (2017): 9-14. [More] [Full text]
  • Lotlikar, Swapnali. "Database Management System for Cell Phone Ewaste". IJEIR 6.1 (2017): 6-8. [More] [Full text]
  • Fang, Li-Min and Ke-Lun Zhao. "Effects of Atomic N Adsorption on Electronic Structures of MgO (001) Surface". IJEIR 6.1 (2017): 1-5. [More] [Full text]
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