Reactive Power Compensation using DSTATCOM with Balanced/Unbalanced Linear and Non-linear Load

Research Area: Volume 9,Issue 3,May 2020 Year: 2020
Type of Publication: Article Keywords: DSTATCOM, Hysteresis Band Current Controller HBCC, Proportional Integral Controller PI, Power Quality PQ
  • Shailendra Soni
  • Dr. Malaya Saurava Dash
Journal: IJEIR Volume: 9
Number: 3 Pages: 150-161
Month: May
ISSN: 2277-5668
Presented paper suggests a three phase four wire system observe by balanced/unbalanced linear and non-linear load which similarly connected with the DSTATCOM for which gating signals are furnished with the aid of the influence of pulse generator; it consist a manipulate algorithm for achieving the specified reference current for Voltage Source converter of DSTATCOM using Unit template algorithm technique. The currents injected by the DSTATCOM are controlled in the horizontal vector(d axis) and vertical vector (q axis) using a hysteresis based current control (HBCC) strategy this technique is used to provide the correct getting pulse and collection to the IGBT inverter through comparing error signal with given hysteresis band. By using the HBCC technique the undesired harmonic components are separated from the sensed linear/non-linear load currents. To improvise the output of the controller PI, the comments loop to the integral time period is taken into account In this paper four-leg VSC based DSTATCOM is used for neutral current compensation. The main advantage of four leg VSC is eliminating electrical device at purpose of common coupling (PCC) that conjointly reduce price of DSTATCOM. The results verify the performances taken into considered theoretically for the DSTATCOM topology in MATLAB /Simulink.

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