Editor in Chief

Dr. Vijay K Chaudhari

Prof. and Head IT Dept,Truba Institute of Engineering & Information Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh,India.

Advisory Board

Dr. V.M. Pandharipande

Vice Chancellor
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,Aurangabad 431004, Maharashtra, India.

Dr. Nilesh Diwakar

Prof. and Head ,Truba Institute of Engineering & Information Technology, Bhopal, M.P.,India.

Dr. Rajeev Arya

Principal, Truba Collage of Science and Technology, Bhopal,M.P. India.

Dr. Deepshikha Patel

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Sagar Institute of Research & Technology, Bhopal,India.

Chief Technical Advisory Board (Computers Engineering )

Dr. Ilyas Khan

Prof. and Head CS. Dept,Truba Institute of Engineering & Information Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Prof. Renu Trivedi

Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida,India.

Chief Technical Advisory Board (Electronics Engineering)

Mr. Premendra Singh Rajput

TCSL,AHM - 250 certified,PMP certified Project management professional,Tampa , Florida.

Chief Technical Advisory Board (Mechanical Engineering)

Dr. Namish Mehta

Prof. and Head, Truba Institute of Engineering & Information Technology Bhopal (M.P), India.


Editorial Board


Dr. Bing Zhao Li
School of Mathematics,Beijing Institute of Technology, South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian Distict, Bejing,China.

Prof. (Dr.) V. Saravanan
Assoc. Prof. in the Dept. of Computing,Middle East College of Information Technology, Muscat, Sultanante of Oman.

Prof.(Dr.)Engr. Mohiuddin Ahmad
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engg.,Khulna University of Engg. & Technology (KUET) Fulbarigate, Khulna-9203, Bangladesh.

Dr Xinggang Yan
Instrumentation, Control and Embedded Systems (ICES) Research Group, School of Engg. and Digital Arts University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom.

Ir. Dr. TAN CheeFai
Dept. of Design & Innovation, Faculty of Mechanical Engg.,Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya,Durian Tunggal,Melaka, Malaysia.

Dr. Niraj Shakhakarmi
Prairie View A&M University (Texas A&M system),houston,Texas, USA.

Dr. Zhu Kunpeng
Technical University of Munich, Faculty of Mechanical Engg. Institute of Automation and Information Systems (AIS) Boltzmannstr., Garching b. München, Germany.

Dr. Mehdi Zekriyapanah Gashti
Head of Faculty , Faculty of Engg.,Dept. of Computer Science & Information Technology, Payame Noor University Abhar Zanjan Iran.

Prof. (Dr.) Hamid Ali Abed Al-asadi.
Computer and Communication Network Engg. Ph.D.,Computer Science Dept., Education College For Pure Science,University, Basra, 61004,Iraq.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Soltane
Electrical Engg. and Computing Dept., Faculty of Science and Technology, Doctor Yahia Fares University of Medea – 26000 Algeria.

Prof. Hind Rostom Mohammed Shaaban
University Of Kufa,Faculty of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Dept. of Computer Sciences,Kufa, P.O. Box 21,Najaf Governorate , Iraq.

Jasem Hamoud Almotiri
University of Bridgeport - USA.

Dr. Riccardo Colella, PhD
Innovation Engg. Dept. – University of Salento (Italy).

Dr. Yousif Mohamed Y. Abdallah
College of Applied Medical Science,Majmaah University,Saudi Arabia.

Prof. Kewen Zhao

Director, Institute of Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Qiongzhou University, Sanya, 572022,
P. R. China.

Prof. Yao-Hsu Tsai
Dept. of Hospitality Management,Chung Hua University,Taiwan.

Dr.Adnan Alrabea
Al-Balqaa Applied University - Jordan.

Mohamed Abdel Fattah Ashabrawy Moustafa
Asst. Prof. Computer Science in Reactors,Dept., Nuclear Research Center , Atomic Energy,Authority Egypt.

Dr. Motaz H Y Daadoo
Asst. Prof.,Palestine Technical University- Kadoorie (PTUK), Tulkarm, Palestine.

Prof. Xiaokun Yang
Asst. Prof.,University of Houston Clear Lake.

Dr. Mustafa Çakir
Iskenderun Technical University, Iskenderun VET Campus,Iskenderun, Hatay, Turkey.

Prof. Dr. Luciano Nascimento
University Center of João Pessoa- Coordination of the Dept. of Civil Engg.-UNIPÊ/Brazil.

Prof. Dr. Recai Kilic
Dept. of Electrical & Electronics Eng., Faculty of Engg., Erciyes University,Kayseri, 38039, Turkey.

Dr. Bohui Wang
School of Aerospace Science and Technology,Xidian University, Xi'an 710126, China.

Dr. Md. Aminul Haque Akhand
Dept. of Computer Science and Engg.,Khulna University of Engg. & Technology (KUET), Khulna, Bangladesh

Asst. Prof. Ranjit Singh Sarban Singh
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Faculty of Electronics and Computer Engg., Hang Tuah Jaya, Durian Tunggal,Melaka, Malaysia.

Engr. Dr. Okolie Chukwulozie Paul
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria.

Dr. Vikash Kumar Singh

Head & Dean Faculty of Computronics , Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Amarkantak (M.P.),India .

Dr. Md. Ali Hussain

Professor & Head, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering.Sri Sai Madhavi Institute of Science & Technology,Mallampudi, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Dr. VPS Naidu

Scientist, Multi Sensor Data Fusion Lab, Flight Mechanics & Control Division, National Aerospace Laboratories, (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research), Bangalore, India.

Dr. Sivabalan Arumugam

Scientist,ABB Global Services and Industries Limited, Bangalore, INDIA.

Dr.Angajala Srinivasa Rao

Principal,Khader Memorial College of Engineering & Technology,Konda Bheemanapally(V),Devarakonda Mandal, Nalgonda.India.

Dr. Jaya kumari.J

Professor & Head, Department of E.C.E, Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil, Thuckalay,Kanya kumari dt, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr. R. S. Thaur

Associate Professor,Department of Computer Application,MANIT Bhopal.INDIA

Dr. Ashok M. Sapkal

Professor,Electronics and Communication Engineering Department,College of Engineering,Pune,Maharashtra,INDIA

Dr. Syed Jahangir Badashah

Professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Yanampet,Ghatkesar,Hyderabad,Telangana State,India-501301.

Dr. L. Arockiam

Associate Professor in Computer Science,Department of Computer Science,St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous),Tiruchirappalli, TN, India.

Dr. Harsh Vikram Singh

Department of Electronics Engg.,Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur,India.

Dr.Debojyoti Mitra

Principal,Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Indore, India.

Dr. V.Maheswari

Professor & Head of The Department of Department of Computer Science and Application, SATHYABAMA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI,India.

Dr. Vivekanand Mishra

Associate Professor,Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering,S.V.National Institute of Technology (S.V. N.I.T.),Ichchhanath, Surat, Gujrat, India.

Dr. Satish Chand

Professor , Computer Engg Department, Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology Sec-3, Dwarka, New Delhi INDIA.

Dr. Deo Brat Ojha

Professor & Head of The Department of Applied Science & Humanities,R. K. G. I.T., Ghaziabad, U.P., INDIA.

Dr. N.M.Nandhitha

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sathyabama University,Chennai,India.

Dr. Anuj Sharma

Assistant Professor ,Center for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Panjab University, Chandigarh, INDIA.

Dr. Avinash Sharma

Professor , Computer Engg Department, Mumbai University,India.

Dr. S.P. Setty

Dept. of computer science and systems engineering,College of engineering Andhra University,Visakhapatnam,INDIA.

Dr.Anuj Kumar Gupta

Associate Professor,Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering,RIMT Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mandi Gobindgarh (PB),India.

Dr. Harsh Vikram Singh

Associate Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering,Government Engg. college KNIT-Sultanpur, INDIA.

Dr. Balakrisha. R

Professor & Head,Dept of ISE,,Rajarajeswari College of Engineering,Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University,Bangalore,India.

Dr. V.Sai Srikanth

Professor,DEPT. OF Mechanical Engg.,GITAM University,Visakhapatnam, India.

Dr. Anil Kumar Malviya

Associate Professor of Deptt. of CSE,Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur,G.B. Technical University,Lucknow U.P.,INDIA.

Dr. M.Subadra

Associate Professor,Department of ECE,Einstein College of Engineering,Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr.Ayyaswamy Kathirvell

Professor and Head - Department of CSE.Karpaga Vinayaka College of Engineering and Technology,Chennai,INDIA.

Dr. Pradeep Chouksey

Prof.,Computer Dept. LNCT, Bhopal, M.P., India.

Dr. Laxmi Chand

Associate Professor,Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering,DU,India.

Dr.Banta Singh Jangra

Asstt. Professor, Deptt. of Computer Science, FGM Govt PG College, Adampur (Hisar) Haryana) INDIA.

Prof (Dr.) Prashant R Deshmukh

Professor and Head, Sipna College of Engineeering and Technology, Amravati,India.

Dr. Arun V. Patil

Vice Principal and Associate Professor,Dept. of Electronic Science, L.V.H. College,Nashik,Maharashtra,India.

Dr. C. Nagaraju

Professor and HOD of IT,Lakireddy Bali Reddy College of Engineering,Mylavaram,Krishna District.

Dr.Gautam Kumar Mahanti

Professor,Department of Electronics and Communication Engg.,National Institute of Technology,Durgapur,India

Prof. Prashant Panse

Reader & Head, IT Department, in Swami Vivekanand College of Engineering, Indore,M.p.,India.

Dr.Battula Tirumala Krishna

Associate Professor,Dept.of ECE,GITAM University,Visakhapatnam,India.


Head Department of Computer Science KSR College of Arts and Science,Tiruchengode,Namakkal District,Tamilnadu,India.

Prof. Mohammad Zubair Khan

Department of Computer Engineering,Invertis University Barelly–UP,INDIA.

Associate Professor Kolikipogu Ramakrishna

Dept. of CSE,CMR College of Engineering & Technology Hyderabad,India.

Associate Professor Pugazendi.N

Computer Science & Engineering, Center Head for the Study Center in Madurai Kamaraj University, Chennai,India.

Asst. Prof. Uday Chourasia
Computer Science & Engineering Dept., RGPV University Bhopal (M.P), India.

Asst. Prof. Priyanka Dixit
Computer Science & Engineering Dept., RGPV University Bhopal (M.P), India.

Associate Professor Saurabh Upadhyay

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, and I. T.,S.P.B. Patel Engineering College,Saffrony Institute of Technology,Gujarat,India.

Assistant Professor Emalda Roslin S.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sathyabama University,Chennai,India.

Assistant Professor Ipseeta Nanda

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering,Silicon Institute of Technology,Sason,Sambalpur,Odisha.India.

Associate Professor Neve Vijay Gajanan

Jagadambha College of Engineering & Technology,Yavatmal,Maharashtra,India.

Professor Shital P. Adkine

Sardar Patel College ,Chandrapur ,Maharashtra,India.

Professor Jammi Ashok

Head of Department, Information Technology, Geeethanjali college of Engineering and Technology , Hyderabad,India.

Prof. (Er.) Anand Nayyar

Assistant Professor,Department of Computer Applications & IT,KCL Institute of Management and Technology,Jalandhar,India.

Prof. Satyashree Ghodke

Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Sagar Institute of Research and Technology – Excellence, Bhopal, MP, India.

Assistant Professor M.Prakash

Rajalakshmi Engineering College,Chennai,Tamil Nadu, India.

Assistant Professor Fahimuddin.Shaik

Dept. of ECE, AITS,Rajampet,Nandalur, Andhra Pradesh,India.

Assistant Professor Prasenjit Chatterjee

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,MCKV Institute of Engineering,West Bengal,India.

Associate Professor S.Nageswara Rao

Madanapally Institute of Technology, Madanapally,Chittoor District,Andhra Pradesh,India.

Associate Professor Kshitij Yugbodh

Head,Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Sagar Institute of Science, Technology & Engg.(SISTEC-E), Bhopal, MP, India.

Assistant Professor Pankaj Swarnkar

Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (MP),India.

Assistant Professor Ramkumar Jaganathan

VLB Janakiammal College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, India.

Assistant Professor Syed Imran Ali

HOD,Department of Computer science and Engineering,SISTEC-R,Bhopal,M.P., India.

Assistant Professor C.Saravanakumar

Department of Computer science and Engineering,Rajalakshmi Engineering College,Anna University,Thandalam,Chennai,India.

Assistant Professor Amarjeet Singh

Institute of Environment and Management, Lucknow,U.P.,INDIA.

Assistant Professor Manoj Gupta

Dept. of Electronics and Comm. Engg., JECRC University, Jaipur (Rajasthan),India.

Associate Professor David Solomon Raju. Y

Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering in Holy Mary Institute of Technology and Science, Bogaram (V), Keesara

Assistant Professor Ramkumar Jaganathan

VLB Janakiammal College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, India.

Assistant Professor Rakesh Kumar Jha

ECED Department,SVNIT,SURAT,India.

Associate Professor Deepshikha Patel

Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal, M.P., India

Assistant Professor Rajkumar Jain

Reader, Department of Computer Science & Engineering,Mahakal Institute of Technology & Management, Ujjain,M.P., India

Assistant Professor Koushik Majumder

Department of Computer Science & Engineering West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata, WEST BENGAL, INDIA

Assistant Professor Yudhishthir Raut

Reader (HOD, EC), NRI-Institute of Research & Technology, Bhopal,M.P., India

Associate Professor Gokulakrishnan Kandaswamy

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,University Departments,Tirunelveli-627007, Tamil Nadu, India.

Asst. Prof. Goldy Saini

Sagar Institute of Research and Technology Excellence Bhopal, M.P., India..

Associate Professor Monika Srivastava

Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal, M.P., India.

Associate Professor Rakesh Bhujade

Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal, M.P., India.

Associate Professor Stuti Asthna

SisTec., Bhopal, INDIA.

Mr. Anil Baghel

Assistant Engineer, BSNL, GOA region,India.

Mr. Saurabh Upadhyay

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Gujarat.India.

Associate Professor Manoj Tyagi

IT. Dept, TIEIT, Bhopal(M.P.), India.

Mr. Vishal Garud

Project Manager, Capgemini, Banglore, India.

Miss. Shanmuga Priya Balasubramaniam

Infosys Technologies Limited, ABAP/EDI/PI CONSULTANT,India.

Associate Professor Neelesh Gupta

EC Dept, TIEIT, Bhopal(M.P.), India.

Er.Kirtesh Jailia

Independent Researcher,India.

Mr. Amit Sardesai

Project Manager, MBT,Pune, India.

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International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences
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