Kan-Ban : A Mean to Survive (“In Software Development Perspective”)

Research Area: Volume 1 Issue 2, March 2012 Year: 2012
Type of Publication: Article Keywords: Kan-ban, Lean thinking, Lean thinking based tool, Kan-ban for survival
  • Er. Kirtesh Jailia
  • Manisha Jailia
Journal: IJEIR Volume: 1
Number: 2 Pages: 152-155
Month: March
ISSN: 2277-5668
“Software development” this term is so valuable for the software industries and its clients, because this term decides how well they can survive in the market. Development methodology plays an important role in their survival. But as we see in the phase of recession the client wants faster delivery but software industries were unable to deliver and in the result most of the software companies have lost their market share. We saw that during recession some companies were drowning due to the reason of MISSING DEADLINE, OVER DEVELOPMENT, INEFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT and many more. We knew that there are several reasons for the recession in the software market, but the most important thing is to survive in such recession phase by sustaining the customers, by performing orders as early as customer wants and many more. To survive in such conditions we have to rely on lean principles and they will definitely acts as survival tool in recession [1]. Her in this paper we are going to discuss about the term “Kan-ban” which is based on the lean thinking and try to find out the answer “How Kan-ban act as a shield to retain success in the recession phase”?

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