IPv4/IPv6 Transition Using Singly Linked List

Research Area: Volume 1 Issue 2, March 2012 Year: 2012
Type of Publication: Article Keywords: IPv4, IPv6, Transition, Singly linked list
  • J. Hanumanthappa
  • Dr. Manjaiah. D. H.
Journal: IJEIR Volume: 1
Number: 2 Pages: 156-163
Month: March
ISSN: 2277-5668
In the past few years, we have seen a rapid expansion in the field of wired networking due to the proliferation of inexpensive, widely available wireless devices. However current devices, applications and protocols are solely focussed on cellular or wireless local area networks(WLANS) not taking the account the great potential offered by wired networking. Wired local area networks make use of ethernet cables and network adapters. Numerous computers can be wired to one another by using an Ethernet crossover cable. Wired LANS also need vital devices like hubs, switches, or routers to aid further computers[2][3]. There are situations where IPv4/IPv6 transition is also possible using singly linked list. Un fortunately IPv4 and IPv6 are two important incompatible protocols. So this results in transition mechanism at the time of migration from IPv4 to IPv6 networks. Longest prefix matching (LPM) is a challenging innovative and creative topic because of the increasing routing table size, the increasing link speed and the increasing Internet traffic with decreasing traffic size. Due to the invention of IPv6 it requires the reconsideration of previous methods were highly essential to IPv4[1][3]. Hence the need is to introduce the first algorithm that we are aware of to employ BD-TTCS (Bi- Directional Talented Transmission Conversion System) based singly linked list is one of the technique specified in the literature to perform IPv4/IPv6 conversion whereas the Dual Stack transition technique is developed to perform IPv4/IPv6 transition for IPv6 dominant networks. In this paper we present a novel and simple approach to transition of IPv4/IPv6 transition based on singly linked list. This method splits the 128 bits IPv6 source address into 8 sections and the sections are reduced recursively through several tunable phases according to the trade off between lookup performance and memory consumption. The Proposed method uses singly linked method to speed up the splitting process of 128 bits IPv6 address into 8 chunks by means of BD-TTCS translator[1][2][3].

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