Melanoma Skin Cancer Segmentation with Image Region Growing Based on Fuzzy Clustering Mean

Research Area: Volume 6,Issue 2, March 2017 Year: 2017
Type of Publication: Article Keywords: Melanoma Skin Cancer, Image region growing, Fuzzy C-mean
  • Abdelhafid Ali I. Mohamed
  • Mansur M. Ali
  • Khalifa Nusrat
  • Javad Rahebi
  • Alper Sayiner
  • Fatma Kandemirli
Journal: IJEIR Volume: 6
Number: 2 Pages: 91-95
Month: March
ISSN: 2277-5668
Melanoma is the most common dangerous type of skin cancer. On the other hand, if found in an early stage, there is a high likelihood of cure. For that reason, various types of imaging techniques have been investigated. Dermoscopy is one non-invasive imaging technique for diagnosis. The accuracy of diagnosis using dermoscopy is very important and depends on the experience of dermatologists. Visual examination is a waste of time, so there is currently wide attention paid to the development of computer-aided diagnostic systems to aid the clinical evaluation of dermatologists. Image Segmentation is very important in digital-image processing and self-discovery, with an important role to play in solving many difficult problems, particularly those related to chronic diseases, such as skin cancer. Analysis of automatic dermoscopy images usually has three stages: a) feature selection and extraction, b) image segmentation, and c) feature classification.

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