Experimental Measurement of Flow Field using Three Dimensional Visualization Method

Research Area: Volume 7,Issue 2, March 2018 Year: 2018
Type of Publication: Article Keywords: Bubble Trains, Flow Pattern, Laser Sheet, Particle Image Velocimetry, Tracer
  • Rajendra Shrestha
Journal: IJEIR Volume: 7
Number: 2 Pages: 128-131
Month: March
ISSN: 2277-5668
Cavitation and coalescence of bubbles are transient in characters and inevitable in Hydropower stations operated with Francis turbines. However, there are challenges in measurement of these phenomena. In this research measurement of flow field is carried by using three dimensional visualization method. This technique has been developed to study the flow regions, which are generally so small and transient that the normal flow would greatly disturbed and perhaps disappears if probes are introduced to measure the flow field. In this research flow field (10 mm/s velocity) around continuously rising bubbles in stagnant water pool were experimentally measured using Orgasol-2002 ES6 NAT3 tracer, camera of different shutter speeds and Argon laser. Further dimension and positions of 0.2 to 1.5 mm bubbles were measured using CCD camera with stroboscope as back lighting and mirrors as splitting images.

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