Recognition of Front and Rear Tyres using Stationary Wavelet Transform for Car Manufacturing

Research Area: Volume 1 Issue 1, Jan 2012 Year: 2012
Type of Publication: Article Keywords: Pattern recognition, tyres, stationary wavelet transform, conveyor belt, microcontroller
  • Ambarish A. Salodkar
  • Vivek Deshmukh
  • Pravin Kshirasagar
Journal: IJEIR Volume: 1
Number: 1 Pages: 28 - 31
Month: Jan.
ISSN: 2277-5668
The main objective of this paper is to make an automated system to sort the front and rear tyre for car manufacturing where they are used in numbers. The objective of this study is to develop the image processing algorithm using stationary wavelet transform to get the normalized cropping images which would be suitable inputs processing and detection. Testing is done using a real-time visual recognition system. The Matlab software version 2010a is used to integrate all algorithms. The implementation also consists of a prototype that emulates the sorting of tyres. Consisting of a control system this hardware provides data through the microcontroller based system to the Matlab code which then activates the camera for image processing. It also activates the motor differently to sort the different parts. The result shows that the system can detect moving object accurately on the belt conveyor and sort them accordingly as required for the application.

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