Importance of Maximum Size, Gradation of Aggregate and Grade of Cement on Compressive Strength of Concretes

Research Area: Volume 6,Issue 3, May 2017 Year: 2017
Type of Publication: Article Keywords: Tailored Aggregates, Fineness Modulus, Flyash, Compressive Strength
  • Awadhesh Kumar
Journal: IJEIR Volume: 6
Number: 3 Pages: 147-151
Month: May
ISSN: 2277-5668
The present experimental investigation has been carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of tailored aggregates over market available aggregates for M20 grade of concrete using 43 grade cement with reference to minimum cement content (i.e. 300 kg/m3) on plain and 20% cement replaced with flyash concretes. The compressive strength of plain concrete with maximum cement content (i.e. 450 kg/m3) and 20% flyash replaced concretes have also been studied. Investigations have also carried out on 53 grade cement with 20mm and 12 mm maximum size tailored aggregates along with maximum cement content and flyash in 0%, 20% and 30%. Investigations with 43 grade cement revealed that plain and flyash workable mix of M20 grade concrete with tailored aggregates could be produced with 412 kg/m3 and 365 kg/m3. Super plasticized plain workable M20 grade concrete can be produced with 337 kg/m3. Workable mixes with 450 kg/m3 cement content give compressive strength of 32 MPa and 33.7 MPa for plain and flyash concretes respectively. It is also revealed that a maximum strength of 47 MPa with no slump can be achieved with 43 grade of cement. Investigations with 53 grade cement demonstrated that workable plain mixes with 20mm and 12 mm maximum size tailored aggregates give strengths of 55.1 MPa and 60.3MPa, while 20% and 30% flyash concrete with these aggregates have given the compressive strengths of 59.2 MPa, 60.2 MPa and 62.1 MPa and 63.4 MPa respectively. Also, a maximum strength of 72 MPa has been achieved on no slump concrete prepared with 20mm maximum size aggregates.

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