Genetic Algorithm for A Generic Model of Reverse Logistics Network

Research Area: Volume 6, Issue 4, July 2017 Year: 2017
Type of Publication: Article Keywords: Genetic Algorithm GA, Priority-Based Encoding Method, Reverse Logistics Network Design, Generic Model, Large Scale MILP Model
  • Hassan Jafarzadeh
  • Nazanin Moradinasab
  • Heidar Eskandari
  • Saeideh Gholami
Journal: IJEIR Volume: 6
Number: 4 Pages: 174-178
Month: July
ISSN: 2277-5668
Firms incorporate products reverse flow to their systems for such reasons as ecological and economic factors, government regulations and social responsibilities. This work provides a mixed integer linear programming model for the reverse logistics network design problem which involves product returns and solves it using a genetic algorithm (GA) to give a minimum-cost solution. In proposed model, we have considered some characteristics of the real problem, such as multi capacity level, multi - product, multi - stage, some attach condition for recycle centers, recovery centers and the repairing, remanufacturing, second market options being taken into account simultaneously. To solve this problem, we proposed a genetic algorithm with “modified priority - based” encoding method. Different large - scale problems are solved within an experimental design scheme in order to validate the performance of the model

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