Dependence of Ultimate Bending Moment of Box Girders on Panel’s Slenderness

Research Area: Volume 7,Issue 4,July 2018 Year: 2018
Type of Publication: Article Keywords: Box-Girder, Ultimate Bending Moment, Stiffened Panel, Ultimate Strength
  • Jose Manuel Gordo
Journal: IJEIR Volume: 7
Number: 4 Pages: 216-219
Month: July
ISSN: 2277-5668
The structural behavior of box-girders under pure bending moment is analyzed and discussed on the basis of the results of experiments performed by the author. The box girders are geometrically similar but made of different materials and having different stiffener’s geometries. The influence of the main parameters that influence the ultimate strength of box-girders under pure bending moment is analyzed and discussed. It was found that the plate and column’s slenderness have great impact on the ultimate bending moment of box-girders. Practical design formulas are derived and presented, allowing for a fast evaluation of the performance of the boxes under pure bending. The achievements may be extrapolated to the analysis of the hull girder of ship and used as a basis for the structural codes of ship design

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