Synthesis of the Output Voltage for Multilevel Inverters

Research Area: Volume 7,Issue 5, Sept. 2018 Year: 2018
Type of Publication: Article Keywords: Modulation, Multilevel Invereters, Cascaded H Bridge
  • Mohammad Ali Abtahi
Journal: IJEIR Volume: 7
Number: 5 Pages: 226-230
Month: September
ISSN: 2277-5668
Trends toward large-scale integration and high-power application of green energy resources necessitate the advent of efficient power converter topologies, such as multilevel converters, with enhanced characteristics such as capability of handling voltage and power in the range of several kV and MW, respectively. For these reasons, a new family of multilevel inverters has emerged as the solution for working with higher voltage levels. Among many proposed multilevel topologies, the neutral - point - clamped, flying capacitor, and cascaded H-bridge converters are the most well-known classical multilevel topologies. To synthesize the required output voltage waveform of a multilevel inverter, different methods exist in literature. This paper investigates and analyses these methods. The most important methods are phase shifted pulse-width modulation, level-shifted pulse width modulation, and nearest level modulation technique.

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