Survey of Security Issues in Various Database Using Digital Watermarking Techniques

Research Area: Volume 7,Issue 6,Nov.,2018 Year: 2018
Type of Publication: Article Keywords: Database Security, Security Issues, Digital Watermarking, Databases, Watermarking Attack
  • Dr. I. Jasmine Selvakumari Jeya
  • M. Revathi
  • M. Uma Priya
Journal: IJEIR Volume: 7
Number: 6 Pages: 259-270
Month: November
ISSN: 2277-5668
Database security is a challenging concept in database management systems. The use of various database technologies has increased incredibly over the last few years on the different database applications emerged as an important solution to provide copyright protection, tamper detection, traitor tracing, and maintaining integrity of database. In this paper, analysis of various research papers is done based on the issues of different databases, different database watermarking schemes and watermarking attack. The issues in various papers are discussed for the different database management systems. Finally, the comparisons graph is constructed for various databases in the areas concerned with the watermark schemes, security issues and watermark attacks. This analysis helps the technical people and research scholars to face challenges in the field of digital database watermarking.

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