Analysis Performance of Flashover Voltage for a Cap-pin type Insulators under Different Operating Conditions

Research Area: Volume 12, Issue 1, Jan. 2023 Year: 2023
Type of Publication: Article Keywords: Porcelain Insulator, Flashover Voltage, Conductivity, Salinity, NaCl
  • L. Nasrat
  • M. Aly
  • S. Mahmoud
Journal: IJEIR Volume: 12
Number: 1 Pages: 1-7
Month: January
ISSN: 2277-5668
Through this paperwork, the effect of different operating conditions on insulators analyze to achieve flashover voltage by creating different operating conditions and environment, taking into account the natural state. There various environmental conditions for testing such as, dry, wet and salt wet by immersion all insulators (one, two and three sheds) in salty water (NaCl) as the different concentration. In result test, flashover voltage was recalculated ten times to check credibility the average values calculated. If can be attributed to that by increasing the value of conductivity from 15 % to 35 % the flashover voltage decreased due to the percentage of salt concentration.

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